The Fish Fry Fridays are officially over for Lent 2024, but we wanted to take a moment to send out a big heartfelt thank you. These Friday dinners were a huge success, but we know we couldn't have done them without all of you.
We know it is not easy to give up your time each and every week. We all have busy schedules and we know adding one more thing can really make life even crazier, but we appreciate all you have done over the past 6 weeks. From your willingess to pitch in as needed, fill in at the last minute, and even switching your shifts to accommodate our needs, you are all amazing.
Thank you for volunteering your time and doing it with a smile. We hope you will be back with us next year to help. Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter Season with your families and we hope to see you around St. Clare Church.
If anyone would like to be part of the planning committee for 2025, please reach out to the staff in the rectory offices.
Thanks again, Your Fish Fry Committee